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How can I add a project to my workspace?

You can either right-click your workspace in the 'workspace' tab and click "create a new project" or click "workspace" in the menu bar and hit "create new project".

How can I add an existing file?

First you need to have a project (see above). Go to the workspace tab, expand the workspace and the project. You will notice two virtual folders by default "Source files" and "Header files". Right click either of them and hit "add existing file" to add the file to that folder.

My code completion seems to be broken

This is a good time to perform a full reparse of your workspace: Workspace->Retag workspace(full)

Can I use my own makefile instead of codelite's generated one?

Yes. Open the project settings->customize->custom build' tick the checkbox, and provide the commands to run the Makefile.

I don't get code completion for GTKMM (or any other third part library)

codelite code completion is searching for files in the same paths as your compiler. So in short, if your code compiles fine, you should get code completion

How can I restore CodeLite to its default layout setting?

From the main menu: Perspective->Restore Default Layout

I copied the codelite.xml file from Windows to Linux, and the layout looks funny ...

See above

I wrote some code, added new classes, but the Outline view is not updated!

The parsing thread, parses the files only at save time, so to keep your Outline view up-to-date, simply save the file (Ctrl+S)

Outline View seems (or any other feature such as 'Find Implementation / Declaration') is not synchronized

Reparse your workspace. Workspace->Retag workspace(full)

codelite does not distinguish between -> and . operators

I have the following code snippet:

 wxString str;

and guess what, it works (i.e. code completion is suggesting members of wxString). Doesn't CodeLite check whether the type is a pointer or an object?


I typed std:: and nothing is suggested, whats wrong?

Make sure you included files from the STL library (e.g. #include <string>)

My code contains many macros, which confuses the CodeCompletion, what can I do to improve it?

Read this to see how properly handle macros in codelite: Macros Handling

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Page last modified on August 09, 2014, at 08:05 AM